24. Lookout Creek
Note: As fate would have it, the Lookout Fire burned over the entirety of the Lookout Creek Old-Growth Trail in the summer of 2023. The fire was ignited by lightning in the middle of the largest intact block of lower- and mid-elevation old growth for many miles around. Much of the fire was a surface fire that killed mostly understory and midstory trees interspersed with small patches where fire torched into the upper canopy. Larger thin-barked trees, such as western hemlock, western redcedar and Pacific silver fir were also killed from the surface fire. High winds briefly blew the fire into and through the old-forest canopy on two different days and severely burned large areas of old growth leaving few live trees remaining. Sadly, this includes most of the central part of the trail. Even where the fire burned as a surface fire, the deep duff layer in this long indisturbed stand was largely consumed in many areas. For the most part, only old, thick-barked Douglas-fir were able to survive the fire near the lower and upper trailheads. The trail is still officially closed to public use.
Length - 3.6 miles one way
Difficulty - Moderate
Season - Spring to autumn
Elevation range - 2,430 feet - 3,440 feet
Human imprint - Minimal
Information - McKenzie River Ranger District
Primary old growth features
Long, unbroken expanse of classic old growth including segments dominated by large Douglas-fir, western redcedar, and western hemlock; abundant large standing and down dead wood.
Step into the forest primeval on the Lookout Creek Old-Growth Trail (4105), a 3.6-mile journey through unbroken old growth in the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest. The well-maintained trail follows the natural contours of the land along the north slope of Lookout Mountain, passing through notable examples of Douglas-fir, western hemlock and western redcedar old growth. Large dead wood is abundant in this classic example of a low-elevation, old-growth forest. The trail has two trailheads 3 miles apart on Forest Road 1506, providing an option for a bike or car shuttle, or for a loop hike partially on the road.
Starting from the lower trailhead, the trail immediately enters a beautiful riparian forest, crosses Lookout Creek on a sturdy bridge, and continues upslope through iconic Douglas-fir old growth. The forest becomes more open on somewhat less productive ground until reaching the hike mid-point near a rock outcrop and two debris-torrent chutes. Large western redcedar cluster in this segment of the hike. The first chute requires care, but large logs facilitate the crossing. Past the chutes the trail enters a patch dominated by large western hemlock, a fairly unusual occurrence in this part of the Cascades. Relatively thin-barked western hemlocks are sensitive to fire. The trail then recrosses Lookout Creek on a small bridge and heads uphill through a magnificent old forest toward FR 1506 and the end of the hike.
Note: Various painted trees, flagging, marking pins, and other signs indicate the proximity of long-term research plots. Please stay on the trail to avoid damaging these areas.
25 Years of Change
The forest here is relatively unchanged, an apparent refuge from fire and other disturbances.
How to get there
Travel State Route 126 approximately 48 miles east of Eugene and turn left (north) onto FR 15 heading toward Blue River Reservoir. Turn right onto FR 1506 after 3.4 miles. The lower trailhead is on the right 7 miles later, just past the junction with Carpenter Mountain Road (FR 350). The upper trailhead is another 3 miles up FR 1506, also on the right.

Beginning of Lookout Fire, August 2023 Credit Rob Mutch , Ecosystem Photo

Douglas-fir & western redcedar

Big Douglas-fir

Western hemlock

Western redcedar

Lookout Creek
Lookout Mountain
Fire moss
Newly exposed roots
Where has the organic layer gone?
Weeping Douglas-fir
Exposed root wrap

Lookout Creek, Acrylic on watercolor paper, 2023 Diane Cissel