19. Yocum Ridge


2024 Status

Based on recent aerial photography, the old forest along this hike appears to be in good shape other than areas of blowdown. I plan to field-check and update the hike description, photos and map later in 2024.



Length                                6-8 miles one way

Difficulty                             Very difficult

Season                               Summer to autumn

Elevation range                 2,440 – 5,960 feet

Human imprint                  Moderate on first half (hikers); low on Yocum Ridge Trail

Information                       Mount Hood National Forest (Zigzag Ranger District)

Primary old growth features

Lovely old noble fir.



Majestic old growth, Ramona Falls, and heart-stopping views of Mt. Hood reward the hardy who climb Yocum Ridge. This is now a very challenging hike to accomplish in one day since the trailhead is one mile further away, and the trail bridge across Sandy River has been removed and will not be replaced. If you elect to take this memorable hike, be aware that the glacially fed river may be substantially higher on the return crossing in the afternoon than it was in the morning. A River Crossing Guide on the Mt. Hood National Forest website provides useful guidance.


Take the Sandy River Trail (770) from the trailhead, reaching the river in a little over a mile. Turn right shortly after fording the river onto the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT, 2000) heading southeast towards Ramona Falls. The PCT traverses the surface of a very large, old debris-flow in a sparse, mostly younger forest, reaching a junction with the Timberline Trail (600) in approximately 1¼ miles. Turn left and reach Ramona Falls approximately ½ mile later.


Enjoy spellbinding Ramona Falls for a bit before heading across the slope to the northwest, reaching the Yocum Ridge Trail (771) in another ½ mile or so. Turn right and head up the ridge for another 2-4 miles, mostly through remarkable old forest. A grand grove of old noble fir, some up to five feet thick, graces the trail a mile or so up the ridge. As you gain elevation Douglas-fir, western hemlock, and noble fir drop out of the forest, and mountain hemlock and Pacific silver fir take over. Eventually the mountain views become more impressive than the forest.


The last portion of the hike takes you right up to the glacier-draped shoulder of Mt. Hood for spectacular views of Sandy and Reid Glaciers. Hikers can turnaround before reaching the end of the trail and still have an extraordinary hike. Return the way you came, with an option at Ramona Falls to take the Ramona Falls Trail (797) back to the trailhead.


30 Years of Change

There has been significant blowdown reported along the Yocum Ridge Trail. I plan to field check in 2024. Also, the Mt. Hood Wilderness was expanded to the west in 2009 up to the current trailhead, effectively closing off road access to the old trailhead approximately one mile further to the northeast.


How to get there

Turn north onto East Lolo Pass Road (FR 18) from U.S. Highway 26 at Zigzag (29 miles southeast of Gresham). Turn right onto FR 1825 approximately 4-1/4 miles later. Take FR 1825 for almost 2 ½ miles and turn left onto FR 100. Turn left again a little over a quarter mile later onto FR 024. A large parking lot is at the end of this road a few hundred yards later.

Map note

The map below was created in 1993 and accurate at that time. I plan to field check and update the map in 2024. Note that the trail numbers have changed for the trails leading to the Yocum Ridge Trail.


18. Muddy Fork Loop


20. Lost Creek Nature Trail